Bachelor's Dissertation
Report TVSM-6002 (pdf 1.3 MB)
Title: Gränslastberäkningar – Inkrementell formulering och gränslastteori
Author: Forsman, KarinSupervisors: Susanne Heyden, Senior Lecturer and Professor Ola Dahlblom, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
76 pages. First published June 2015.
Report TVSM-6001 (pdf 2.4 MB)
Title: Dynamisk programvara för visualisering av vridna prismatiska balkar med öppna, tunnväggiga tvärsnitt
Author: Kinsella, DavidSupervisor: Jonas Lindemann, PhD; Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH | LUNARC.
88 pages. First published October 2014.
Publications published by the Div. of Structural Mechanics
Building Science
Publications published by the former Division of Building Science