TVSM-5000 (2014-2008)
Master's Dissertations - Page 2
Information about available dissertations and dissertations in progress is available HERE (Swedish only).
Report TVSM-5200 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Title:Bulging of Insulating Glass Units - Numerical and Experimental Analysis
Authors: Andersson, Martin and Nilsson, SimonSupervisor: Kent Persson, PhD, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
76 pages. First published September 2014.
Report TVSM-5199 (pdf not yet available)
Title: Verification of Vibrations in a Slender Steel Structure - Numerical and Experimental Analysis
Authors: Aalto, Martin and Saeed, MehdiSupervisors: Kent Persson, PhD, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Carl Jonsson, Skanska AB, Malmö.
--- pages. In preparation.
Report TVSM-5198 (pdf 7.4 MB)
Title: Mechanical Properties of Interlayers in Laminated Glass - Experimental and Numerical Evaluation
Author: Fors, CamillaSupervisor: Kent Persson, PhD, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
52 pages. First published October 2014.
Report TVSM-5197 (printed version only)
Title: Utformning av samverkansbalkar
Author: Malmgren, JonasSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and David Persson, Centerlöf & Holmberg, Malmö och JS Smide AB, Skurup.
119 pages. First published December 2014.
Report TVSM-5196 (pdf 2.0 MB)
Title: Långtidsdeformation av håldäcksplattor
Author: Sawirs, EmelySupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Sven Persson, Starka Betongelement AB.
73 pages. First published September 2014.
Report TVSM-5195 (pdf 12.1 MB)
Title: Verification of Buckling Analysis for Glulam Arches
Authors: Andersson, Björn and Larsson, Gustaf Supervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Tord Isaksson, Skanska AB, Malmö
154 pages. First published June 2014.
Report TVSM-5194 (pdf 7.6 MB)
Title: Dynamisk undersökning av Bagers bro i Malmö - Finit elementanalys och modala mätningar
Authors: Clausén, Christin and Ingemansson, VictorSupervisors: Per-Erik Austrell, Associate Professor & Anders Sjöström, MSc, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Tore Nilsson, Brosys AB, Malmö
124 pages. First published September 2014.
Report TVSM-5193 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Title: Simulations of the Response of Concrete Structures Subjected to Air Blasts
Author: Svantesson, PeterSupervisors: Per-Erik Austrell, Associate Professor, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Saed Mousavi, PhD, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI.
66 pages. First published November 2013.
Report TVSM-5192 (pdf 2.6 MB)
Title: Analysis and Design of a Glass Floor Structure
Authors: Dufvenberg, Pontus och Jönsson, Fredrik Supervisor: Per-Erik Austrell, Associate Professor, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
65 pages. First published March 2014.
Report TVSM-5191 (pdf 20 MB)
Title: Spricklast för dragbelastat trä med sektionsändring
Authors: Gottsäter, Erik och Kinsella, DavidSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson and Henrik Danielsson, PhD, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
161 pages. First published May 2014.
Report TVSM-5190 (pdf not yet available)
Title: Undersökning av dämpning i plattrambroar genom mätning och modellering
Author: Matz, MikaelSupervisor: Per-Erik Austrell, Associate Professor, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH, and Tore Nilsson, Brosys AB, Malmö.
--- pages. In preparation.
Report TVSM-5189 (pdf 2.9 MB)
Title: Buckling of a Load Bearing Timber-Glass Shear Wall - Development of a Finite Element Model
Author: Neijbert, GregerSupervisor: Professor Erik Serrano, Dept of Building and Engergy Technology, Linnaeus University, Växjö.
84 pages. First published August, 2013.
Report TVSM-5188 (pdf 10.3 MB)
Title: Modelling Adhesion in Packaging Materials - Physical Tests and Virtual Tests in Abaqus
Author: Bruce, Hanna and Holmqvist, ChristianSupervisor: PhD Kent Persson, Div of Structural Mechanics, LTH.
103 pages. First published October, 2013.
Report TVSM-5187 (pdf 2.1 MB)
Title: Meshing and Visualisation Routines in the Python Version of CALFEM
Author: Edholm, AndreasSupervisor: Phd Jonas Lindemann, LUNARC, Lund.
86 pages. First published February, 2013.
Report TVSM-5186 (pdf 3.3 MB)
Title: Interaction Models for 2D Finite Element Modelling on Touch Devices
Author: Åkesson, DanielSupervisor: Phd Jonas Lindemann, LUNARC, Lund.
41 pages. First published March, 2013.
Report TVSM-5185 (pdf 15.2 MB)
Title: Structural Response With Regard to Explosions
Authors: Kristensson, Robin and Carlsson, MattiasSupervisors: Senior Lecturer Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Morgan Johansson, Reinertsen, Göteborg.
88 pages. First published November, 2012.
Report TVSM-5184 (pdf 5.6 MB)
Title: Traffic Induced Vibrations at Road-Bridge - Experimental and Numerical Analysis
Author: Baggens OskarSupervisors: PhD Nils Rydén, Div. of Engineering Geology; and M.Sc. Brian Jensen, Max-Lab, Lund.
79 pages. First published November, 2012.
Report TVSM-5183 (pdf 38 MB)
Title: Vibation Reduction by Shaping the Terrain Topography
Author: Jørstad, PerSupervisor: M.Sc. Peter Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
63 pages. First published November, 2012.
Report TVSM-5182 (pdf 2.8 MB)
Title: Earthquake Analysis of Pipe Supports in Nuclear Power Plants
Author: Matsson, JohanSupervisors: Senior Lecturer Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics; M.Sc. Magnus Ohlson and M.Sc. Daniel Burman, FS Dynamics AB.
49 pages. First published November, 2012.
Report TVSM-5181 (pdf 8.2 MB)
Title: Numerical Analysis of Compression Perpendicular to the Grain in Glulam Beams With and Without Reinforcement"
Author: Persson, JimmySupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics, LTH and Professor Roberto Crocetti, Div. of Structural Engineering, LTH.
97 pages. First published December, 2011.
Report TVSM-5180 (pdf 3.8 MB)
Title: Analys av plattrambroar med krökta ramben
Author: Hult, FridaSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Tore Nilsson and Fredrik Carlsson, Brosys AB, Malmö.
101 pages. First published December, 2011.
Report TVSM-5179 (pdf 3.4 MB)
Title: Infästning av byggnadsmonterat vindkraftverk
Author: Areschoug, PeterSupervisor: PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
87 pages. First published November, 2011.
Report TVSM-5178 (pdf 3.2 MB)
Title: Jämförande studie av kopplad och okopplad analysmetodik för termohydrauliska laster i rörsystem
Authors: Bjurhede, Anders och Harryson, MatsSupervisors: PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Per-Henrik Myrefelt, Johan Lundvall and Olof Dahlberg, FS Dynamics Sweden AB.
137 pages. First published December, 2012.
Report TVSM-5177 (pdf 3.6 MB)
Title: Dimensionering med BIM kopplat till FEM
Authors: Hasselberg, Petter och Argérus, JohnSupervisors: PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Andreas Hägg, NCC-teknik, Malmö.
90 pages. First published March, 2011.
Report TVSM-5176 (pdf 34 MB)
Title: Vibration Analyses of a Wooden Floor-Wall Structure- Experimental and Finite Element Studies
Authors: Ejenstam, Joel and Flodén, OlaSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson and M.Sc. Anders Sjöström, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
62 pages. First published May, 2011.
Report TVSM-5175 (pdf 6.2 MB)
Title: Fem Modelling of Molten Polymer Flows in Package Sealing Process - Using ABAQUS CEL Formulation
Authors: Ollar, Jonathan and Johansson, HenrikSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Eskil Andreasson, Tetra Pak, Lund.
72 pages. First published May, 2011.
Report TVSM-5174 (pdf 20 MB)
Title: Arkitektur och konstruktion i vertikal stad
Author: Lundgren, Charlotte and Awadh, IlyasSupervisors: Professor Göran Sandberg, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Professor Christer Malmström, Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University.
86 pages. First published April, 2011
Report TVSM-5173 (pdf 3.1 MB)
Title: Design of Foundations for Wind Turbines
Author: Svensson, HenrikSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Lic. Lars Johansson, Geotekniker, Geo & Miljö Malmö, Ramböll Sverige AB.
58 pages. First published December, 2010.
Report TVSM-5172 (pdf 1.5 MB)
Title: Design of Equipment for Characterization of Elastomers Using Impact Testing
Authors: Sjöberg, Per och Axelsson, FredrikSupervisors: PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Mattias Månsson, Tetra Pak, Lund.
67 pages. First published December, 2010.
Report TVSM-5171 (pdf 17.0 MB)
Title: Träs tryckhållfasthet vinkelrätt fiberriktningen
Author: Rosengren, MikaelSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Arne Emilsson, Limträteknik AB, Falun and Roberto Crocetti, SP, Borås.
60 pages. First published December, 2010.
Report TVSM-5170 (pdf 8.0 MB)
Title: Vibration Analysis of Underground Tunnel at High-Tech Facility
Author: Negreira Montero, Juan Supervisor: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
80 pages. First published August, 2010.
Report TVSM-5169 (pdf 0.9 MB)
Title: Flexible Beams in Dymola
Author: Malmberg, CarolineSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Magnus Gäfvert and Mathias Persson, Modelon AB.
49 pages. First published November, 2010.
Report TVSM-5168 (pdf 6.7 MB)
Title: Sidostabiltet för limträbågar
Author: Persson, DavidSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson and PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics, and Arne Emilson, Limträteknik AB, Falun
93 pages. First published November, 2010.
Report TVSM-5167 (pdf 1.3 MB)
Title: Implementering av CALFEM för Python
Author: Ottosson, AndreasSupervisors: PhD Jonas Lindemann, Div. of Structural Mechanics / Lunarc.
47 pages. First published June, 2010.
Report TVSM-5166 (pdf 3.0 MB)
Title: Spontkonstruktion
Author: Nagy, RikardSupervisors: Professor Ola Dahlblom, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Håkan Camper, Skanska Teknik, Bro och Anläggning, and Anders Kullingsjö, Skanska Teknik, Geoteknik och Infra.
96 pages. First published March, 2010.
Report TVSM-5165 (pdf 2.1 MB)
Title: Grävpålar - Dimensionering, utförande och användningsområden
Author: Shiltagh, SamSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson and Professor Ola Dahlblom, Div. of Structural Mechanics, and Lars Rehn, Skanska Teknik, Malmö.
92 pages. First published August, 2010.
Report TVSM-5164 (pdf 7.0 MB)
Title: Analysis of Vibrations in High-Tech Facility
Author: Persson, PeterSupervisor: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics i samarbete med MAX-lab, Lund University.
73 pages. First published June, 2010.
Report TVSM-5163 (pdf 7.7 MB)
Title: Crash CAE Modelling of Rubber Bushings
Author: Centeno Gil, Oscar JesusSupervisors: PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics; and Lic. Eng. Linus Wågström, Volvo Car Corporation, Gothenburg.
66 pages. First published September, 2009.
Report TVSM-5162 (pdf 5.2 MB)
Title: Dimensionering av glas-/aluminumfasader med avseende på kombinationslaster
Author: Henriksson, AndersSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
56 pages. First published August, 2009.
Report TVSM-5161 (pdf 1.0 MB)
Title: Analysis of Settlements of Test Embankments During 50 Years - A Comparison Between Field Measurements and Numerical Analysis Author: Gündüz, BahatinSupervisors: Professor Ola Dahlblom, Div. of Structural Mechanics; and Lars Johansson, Ramböll Sverige AB, Malmö.
53 pages. First published December, 2008.
.Report TVSM-5160 (pdf 1.8 MB)
Title: Dynamics of High-Speed Railroad Bridges
Author: Gustafsson, AndreasSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson and PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Morgan Johansson, Reinertsen Sverige AB.
80 pages. First published January, 2009.
Report TVSM-5159 (pdf 3.3 MB)
Title: Träs skjuvhållfasthet och limträbalkars tvärkraftskapacitet - Provningar och beräkningar
Authors: Odén Johan och Anderson, DanielSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson and PhD Susanne Heyden, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Arne Emilson, Limträteknik AB, Falun; and Roberto Crocetti, Töreboda-Moelven AB, Töreboda.
107 pages. First published June, 2009.
Report TVSM-5158 (pdf 1.6 MB)
Title: Moderna grunder - Konceptgrundläggning för flerbostadshus
Author: Rovapalo, FionaSupervisors: Professor Ola Dahlblom, Div. of Structural Mechanics; and Lic. Anders Wall, Skanska Sverige AB - Skanska Teknik, Geoteknik och berg.
132 pages. First published February, 2009.
Report TVSM-5157 (pdf 1.7 MB)
Title: Vibrations in a 7-Storey Wood Building
Authors: Petersson, Åsa and Holterman, LiviaSupervisors: PhD Delphine Bard, Div. of Engineering Acoustics, Lund and PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
72 pages. First published June, 2008.
Report TVSM-5156 (pdf 2.7 MB)
Title: Grundförstärkning med stenpelare. Introduktion och beräkningsmodell
Authors: Dahlberg, Johan och Hedlund, JohanSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Marcus Dahlström, LCM AB.
89 pages. First published March, 2008.
Report TVSM-5155 (pdf 0.9 MB)
Title: Implementing a Component Based Parallel Distributed Finite Element Solver
Authors: Hansson, Fredrik and Johansson, FilipSupervisor: PhD Jonas Lindemann, LUNARC, Lund.
89 pages. First published March, 2008.
Report TVSM-5154 (pdf 1.4 MB)
Title: Stress and Strength Analysis of Curved Glulam Beams With Box Cross-Section
Author: Persson, ErikSupervisors: Professor Per Johan Gustafsson, Div. of Structural Mechanics; Arne Emilson, Limträteknik AB, Falun; and Roberto Crocetti, Töreboda-Moelven AB, Töreboda.
93 pages. First published August, 2008.
Report TVSM-5153 (pdf 1.0 MB)
Title: Stress Analysis of PTFE Sleeves in Industrial Valves
Author: Clarhed, DanielSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson and PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
44 pages. First published March, 2008.
Report TVSM-5152 (pdf 37.0 MB)
Title: Shear Capacity in Adhesive Glass-Joints
Author: Larsson, OskarSupervisors: PhD Kent Persson, Div. of Structural Mechanics and Peter Möller, Bostik AB, Helsingborg.
114 pages. First published March, 2008.
Report TVSM-5151 (pdf 3.1 MB)
Title: Stresses in Iron Ore Pellets During Silo Discharge - Analysis in Large Storage Silos With Large Perforated Inner Tube Design
Author: Brown, JohnSupervisors: Professor Ola Dahlblom and PhD Per-Erik Austrell, Div. of Structural Mechanics.
61 pages. First published January, 2008.
Publications published by the Div. of Structural Mechanics
Doctoral Theses
Licentiate Dissertations
and Research Reports
TVSM-4000 / THID-5000
Bachelor's Dissertations,
LTH School of Engineering
Page 1 (present-2014)
Page 2 (2014-2008)
Page 3 (2008-2000)
Page 4 (2000-1991)
Page 5 (1991-1981)
Bachelor's Dissertations
Internal Reports
Educational Material
Building Science
Publications published by the former Division of Building Science